
How To Find the Capacity of a Circular Tank.

Calculate the capacity of a  circular tank:

For a circular tank: Area (A) = π (3.14) x diameter squared (D²) / divided by 4 Volume (V) = A x H Capacity (C) = V x 7.48 gal/ft³

                                                           A = [π x (D²)/4]

                                                           V = A x H 

                                                           C = V x 7.48

We Find the capacity of a circular tank with a diameter of 15 ft and a height of 12 ft:

   A = [3.14 x (15 ft²)/4] = 177 ft²

V = 177 ft² x 12 ft =2,120 ft³

                 C = 2,120 ft³ x 7.48 gal/ft³ = 15,900 gal

The capacity in gallons of a circular tank can also be written as one formula:

  C gal = (π x D²)/4 x H x 7.48

                                   = (3.14 x 15 ft²)/4 x 12 ft x 7.48 gal/ft

                                                                         = 15,900 gal

How To Find the Capacity of a Circular Tank. How To Find the Capacity of a Circular Tank. Reviewed by ajehan007 on June 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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